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ZL1/WK-098 – Takaurunga

Another weekend and another summit or three on the cards.    Takaurunga Summit was the first and by far the easiest of our summit activation’s for the day.    Special thanks needs to be made at this point to Neill who met us at the gate and got access granted to the site which is on private land part way up the Kaimai Ranges. 



Once through the key access gate it was an easy drive to the top of the hill to find the summit with some pretty impressive views of the farm land and out towards Tauranga.   This site also hosts some amateur repeater equipment for the Waikato VHF group. While we were there Neill did some handyman work to the amateur building.

The kids were with us this weekend so they enjoyed a run around at the summit while warren got things set up and ready to go on the air.

BOP first summit1.jpg

Trying to get contacts on the air proved a little more challenging at this summit due to the overhead solar storm so we had to call on outside resources to gain summit activation points for the SOTA log.    Thanks to those who were about and on hand for this to be possible and as usual congratulations to those who earned their chaser points.  


First BOP Summit2
first BOP summit6
First BOP Summit 3


A total of 5 contacts were made at the 646meter summit.   3 on 40m and 2 on 20m, earning Warren 2 points for his SOTA log.


first BOP summit 4.jpg


Summit Information

Summit Height 646 m
State Highway 29 at top of the Kaimai crossing, via locked gate on the south side of the road.

Nominal time to summit – 10 minute drive. 2wd ok but some potholes are large.

Summit marker – Trig station

Land access – permission and key required from land owner or Waikato VHF Group repeater trustee.