Just to the south of Rotorua is Waipa State Mill. nestled in this forest is an area of bush that is home to Kakapiko summit. I managed to visit this summit after finishing teaching early in Rotorua. A quick check of the maps, I drove south on SH5 from Rotorua and just after the SH30 turn off is a turn to the left towards the mill. Follow the road and GPS and we come to a track that is used by mountain bikers and 4 wheel drivers to the summit. The track is rough in places and narrow.
Once I arrived at the summit the clouds opened up and it rained heavily. I opted to wait it out until the shower passed and got set up. I started on 7 MHz and worked a few ZLs, then switched to 14 MHz and worked 3 VK stations. Back to 7 MHz for 2 more ZLs and it was time to pack up and head down. The views from the top when the clouds lifted were superb, although limited due to the bush growth at the summit.
Another nice summit to add to the collection. Thanks to the chasers that were able to make contact. It is always more difficult collecting contacts during work hours.
Summit Information
ZL1/BP-201 Kakapiko
Summit height – 600 mASL
Access via – 8 mile Road, Forestry Road, Lookout Road.
Nominal time to summit – 10 min drive – 4WD vehicle is required. Track is narrow.
Summit marker – Cell tower
Land access permission – Not required.