With thanks to Wynne ZL2ATH and Ray ZL2RAY we had an opportunity to access Colonial Knob ZL1/WL-107. I also invited Ben ZL4BEN new to SOTA to join us and work some DX SOTA. The weather was cloudy and windy so we weren’t expecting great views. However this summit had not yet been activated so it was a nice one to put in the log, and a chance to meet a fellow ZL1 activator and the region manager for ZL1/WL.
With 4 hams present we got set up and quickly worked ZL2KG Steve on UHF simplex. I called on 7 MHz but was unable to raise anyone. All of us were keen to increment our chaser log (and completed summits list) one so we each took turns walking out of the activation zone (25 vertical meters down) and calling one an other on VHF. 14 MHz was open to VK so once Wynne and I had collected our 4 contacts we let Ben (the new comer) have a blast on 20m working VK. An experience he thoroughly enjoyed. Ray was happy enough to watch the activity and take a few photos for us. After the contacts dried up we packed up and headed back down.
As an association manager I rely on the support the regional managers provide so it was great to finally be able to meet Wynne and offer my personal thanks for not only this activation, but for others we have done and the help he puts in by spreading the word in the Wellington region. Wynne has activated 18 unique summits including the tallest ZL1 summit yet to be activated. There are only 3 taller ZL1 summits so he may hold that title for a while.
It was also great to meet Ben ZL4BEN, a VHF / UHF only chaser / activator but one who has enthusiasm to get out and play radio outdoors. Ben is a scout / venturer so has ample opportunity to go out and activate a few summits with his much younger and fitter legs. Hopefully he can get some pocket money together to get up on HF in the near future.
Thanks Ray ZL2RAY for obtaining the access and escorting us to the summit. It was great to meet you again.
Summit – ZL1/WL-107 Colonial Knob
Height –468 m
Access – ACcess track (locked roadside gate) is off Raiha St Porirua. The track can be walked or driven if you can get the key.
Nominal time to summit – 5 minute dive from Porirua. Unsure of walk time.
Mobile and internet coverage from the summit – 3g coverage on Spark and Vodafone.
Summit Marker – Radio hut. There are a few so be sure to get the right one.
Land Access Permission – Not required – public land.