Sunday morning the sun came out so off I went looking for a summit to activate. Mount Crawford is the lowest summit in ZL1/WL region and is also the only drive-to in vicinity. The car park outside the old Wellington prison is in the activation zone however according to a local the land surrounding the trig (near the water tanks) is public land despite signage on the fence.
I was lucky to catch Andrew ZL3CC on ZL3/CB-726 for a summit to summit on 80. Poor solar conditions early in the day make HF a little tricky however after 4 contacts in the log with Ben on UHF and John and Jackie on 40, I packed up and set off for the next summit. I had planned to allow a little more time however there was much catching up with my hosts to do which left less time for SOTA activities.
This summit is an easy one for anyone passing through due to its drive to access and proximity to the airport.
Summit – ZL1/WL-153 Mount Crawford
Height –163 m
Access – Via Main Road, Miramar.
Nominal time to summit – 15 minute drive from Wellington CBD. 5 minutes from Airport.
Mobile and internet coverage from the summit – 3g coverage on Spark and Vodafone.
Summit Marker – Trig (however carpark is in AZ).
Land Access Permission – Not required – public land (despite signage).