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Omakere ZL1/HB-113

After lunch myself and Gerard jumped in a 4 wheel drive and headed for Omakere summit. Gerard had kindly arranged access prior in the week. Well wouldnt you know it we had a clean run of farm gates to the summit. They were all open for us. That never happens!

Setting up at the summit – we used the trig as our antenna mast, and the fence held the ends up. This is a common configuration I use and it often works well. The shack was a dryish patch of ground between animal’s business.



Once on the air we made quick business on 7 MHz with 6 contacts. QSY to 14 MHz and 6 more including a summit to summit with Peter VK3PF (2608 km). Unfortunately then thew rain bands we were watching along the ranges and coast started to threaten us and we decided it was time to get down. Another excellent summit on the list.



Summit – ZL1/HB-113 Omakere

Height –500 m (height gain of 300 m)

Access – Entrance off Long Range Road (on left just before Mangaraurau Road).

Nominal time to summit – About a 40 minute drive from Hastings.

Mobile and internet coverage from the summit – Vodafone is OK at the summit..

Repeater coverage – 670 is S9.

Summit Marker – Trig station.

Land Access Permission – Arranged via Gerard ZL2GR is best.