This little unnamed summit is quite a walk in but it isnt as bad as it appears on the map. The first climb to the trig at 899 m is the steepest part – the rest is a healthy but not painful gradient. The track is in good shape with plenty of views along the way.
Sign board at the start of the track -
Along the track – before SH 1359
This summit is located on the southern end of Kiwi Saddle where 3 tracks meet. There is a clearing at the top with plenty of room to set up and trees to hang an antenna from. The walk is in one place very exposed to a large drop into ultimately the Ngaruroro river. The day I did this it was quite windy so caution was needed.
Kaweka J -
ZL1/HB-014 is the right hand bump in the back (from Kuri) -
Heading up to Kuripapango -
Track junction at the summit -
Looking out across the forestry
From the tops to the West Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu (ZL1/MW-002 and 001 respectively) were clearly visibly between the clouds. To the East Cape Kidnappers marked where Hastings and Napier could be found.
ZL1/HB-014 -
View from summit back to SH 1359 -
View north from summit -
Ruapehu from ZL1/HB-014 (view West)
The bands weren’t in fantastic shape for radio but they did improve as time went on. One summit to summit was made to Waiheke Island (ZL1/AK-020). I was a few days short of the winter bonus but this one is worth doing and I may even do this one again one day. 23 contacts in all.
Trig at 899 m -
Down into Kuripapango / Ngaruroro river -
View South from summit -
The shack
Summit – ZL1/HB-014
Height – 1381 mASL (height gain apx 660 m)
Access – Lakes Road – Kaweka Forest (off Napier Taihape Road)
Coverage – Mobile coverage OK on Telecom. Repeater coverage OK into 670 and 725.
Summit Marker – Track junction.
Land Access Permission – DoC land – permission not required.
NB: Photos are not for use elsewhere, without prior approval.