So just when you think that we were done for the day Warren wonders what else he can find in the area and with a bit of help from google maps we ticked off one last summit activation on the ZL1-SOTA list for the day 12.12.2015. After our previous summit activation on Klondyke we had gone exploring the little sea side community of Port Waikato …
So onward to our second summit activation for the day we went (12.12.2015). Thankfully after the walk we not so earlier in the day had incurred, this one was much easier to reach. Klondyke, is well known to the Ham Radio community and sports an impressive repeater site hosting a major hub for the national system and the 6625 Auckland VHF repeater This …
The summit of Hakarimata ZL/WK-157 Of course this was a challenge and what better way to start off our ZL-SOTA adventures than with this brave walk, although it certainly is a well used summit track situated out the back of Ngaruawahia, in the Waikato. Now neither of us are marathon runners or gym bunnies, however we managed to make it to the summit, …
The ZL1 Summits went ‘live’ for SOTA on the 1st of December and Andrew, VK3ARR must have been charging his batteries the night before because…
(From Warren, ZL2AJ) North Island SOTA (prefix ZL1) will be live from 1300 local time today. Please set up an account on to begin…
From Warren, ZL2AJ: ZL7, ZL8 and ZL9 are now live. Summit lists are available from I know these are hard to get ones, but rest…
Warren, ZL2AJ did a small presentation of SOTA to Branch 81 recently. If your branch is interested in what SOTA is about – let me…